FAQ Schema Generator

About FAQ Schema generator

CrawlCenter's FAQ schema generator lets users create FAQ Schema containing up to 100 frequently asked questions and their answers without registering an account or logging in. The tool is free.

What is FAQ Schema?

While browsing Google, you may have seen an accordion containing a list of questions and answers. Google generates the accordion automatically if you've valid schema on your website's page. This section is displayed by Google only if Google's indexer/crawler finds a FAQ schema on a web page. This schema can improve the traffic to your website as it displays the URL of the page where the Googlebot has found the schema. The URL is displayed below the answer. Once a search engine user reads the part of the answer which is displayed in the accordion, the user will click the URL to read the full answer.

How to use the FAQ schema generator tool?

Select the number of questions and answers you want your schema to have or enter the question and answer in the boxes you'll find above. If you change the number of questions to 1+, CrawlCenter will show additional boxes below the drop down list. Enter the questions and answers in each of the box and then click the "generate FAQ schema" button. CrawlCenter will now display an editable box (textarea) with the FAQ schema. Copy the code (Press the CTRL and A buttons of the keyboard together and then press the CTRL and buttons together)

What to do with the generated schema code?

You should first test the code with Google's rich results testing tool . Then, you should edit the page on which you want to add the Schema code and place the code.